Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I am terrified!!

I am terrified…………………….

It's said the first step is the most terrifying………….apparently, I can testify to that

I'm terrified………………….of walking away, letting it go

I am terrified of walking towards you………..walking with you……..letting it go

I am terrified

I am unsure of myself………………..unsure of you………….of your feelings towards me

Are they genuine or fake………………

Are you bidding your time………………..waiting for me to let it go

I am terrified

Nov 26, 2008

Terrified you won't like what you see……………….that I won't live up to the hype.

That I'll get hurt…………..again

Do you see me baby……………..no, not the image of me you insist on creating, but the real me?

Baby…………………I'm terrified that………………..

Do you hear me????????????

Are you listening?????????????